Happy 7 Years

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Benny, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Try lose a few then since youll be in dager of doubling size with 20 atts.

    See u in another 6 months when u comment randomly on a thread n people come out the woodwork to say wb benny when the truth is youve never been back for over 5 years.....then in another 6 months for your 8 year badge.

    Guys with high post counts high yearly achievments backed by low stats and low battles point to only one thing....ALTS....

    And that means cowards who want to voice an opinion whilst hiding a main.
    So that is what u are and all u are.
    An alt.
    An old nostalgic mod alt.
  2. omg so Benny's been there since the beginning of time...
  3. The moment Benny is an alt is the moment we know that the RedStar is still with us.
  4. lol ...the SE is the budget i5 (well at least it's an iPhone) 


    Better then Parsfans Alcatel 
  5. Anyone who can afford £10 a week can own the worlds newest phone......i seen crack heads sporting the latest i phone.

    Your just baaaaaaaaad at trolling todd.
  6. WoW 7 years! So what is the 7 year anniversary crux key for?
  7. To unlock benny's heart
  8. Too late. I've already opened it and found a bunch of women's souls trapped inside.
  9. Ew gross, it's Benny.

    To be fair to size haters, I deliberately stopped growing in summer of 2011. Until then I did resets. My clan farmed people until ebs made them too big, then we all more or less devoted ourselves 100% to socializing. So don't rip on Benny, back in our days a lot of people played purely to socialize, rather than competing.

  10. benny is a never was