Congratz on getting the 7 yr badge, just hope we can now all realise a time played badge means very little lol
Nothing on kaw means very much. Congrats on managing to not lose access your account for so many years, benneh
Rich is a relevant term ...5 years ago if you would've just plopped down the money I have now and gave it to me I would've thought I was extremely rich... it looks like chump change. I'm just getting started lol clowns can only dream about what I have ...keep hatin' haters
Todd it's those comebacks that let us know your true age. If you were a classy and rich business man, you would have realized your mom jokes are primarily for the young high schoolers. See actually classy people come up with comebacks better than "I rp with your mom" Now, let's turn this back on topic. A perfectly below average thread that doesn't deserve to be ruined by your imagination, Todd.
What rich people don't RP? ..i wonder why? Why wldnt they? ...who said I was classy? lol what? All rich people are classy? Anyways, I told you I'm not "that" rich. I mean yeah compared to you I'm like the offspring of a Vanderbilt/Rockefeller union but I told you Ild classify myself more as "successful" then rich (at least I can afford a decent phone lol) iPhone
I have an iPhone SE. I can afford decent phones lol that's not even a valid argument. It's your clear immaturity that gives away your lying catfish self. I haven't met anyone successful who acts like you. I've even seen high school freshman act older than you, Todd.
Congratulations on 7 years man, shame the thumbnail on the achievement, nor the stats aren't a surprise. Regardless, here's to another year.