Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WR3CKT, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. I present my position on HANSELS...

    Is it my business nor do i care what ppl choose to build? NO

    Is it my business if i play for EE and intentional leaky HANSEL builds enter? YES

    Do ppl defend HANSELS without taking in the entirety of game styles? YES

    Do non Tanks argue that we choose what to build (towers) and should live with it? YES

    Do tanks complain that towers are a choice for warring better? NO

    Do tanks simply request ppl who war do so without a hopeless EB build? YES

    Now is any above that difficult to understand?
    NO unless blinders are on eg SELFISH

    I am a Hybrid Tank? YES
    I build for EE? YES
    I suffer plunder from EB's? YES
    Do I accept EB plunder suffers? YES

    Time to hear the honesty from other ppl with other builds and their play styles and why it suits them. Include if eb pvp osw or war. Be prepared to face the good with the bad and not see it at as a personal attack upon you.

    Lets have less pissing matches and more constructive comments pls.
    Tyvm All n Enjoy 
  2. You say up there you want things to be more constructive what is this? They are just saying their opinion and coachmuhls opinion is the right one IMO to be honest adapt if you don't like it. There is pros and cons to all builds like I keep seeing on this thread you have your builds for a reason use them for it. I see that other thread about ee participation you all have these supposed "war" builds but aren't using them makes 0 sense.

  3. Simply no clue what u r rambling on about.
    I do know your reading comprehension sux or simply trolling as usual.

    1 poster has an SS. Clean up his house 1st.
    The other a statless inactive or gutless to post with his main. Neither of which to be taken seriously at all. Comprehend that?

    I only pointed out obvious facts.
    U r all over the map about who knows what

    U r purely argumentative with no basis
  4. +1
  5. Don't mess what's not broken.

    Hansel's Ftw
  6. +1 for this POV/thinking.
  7. I've had both tank and Hansel build. I can say hands down tank was more fun to play, but did suffer greatly in growth and plunder for the amount of towers I had. Again I would advocate that a system is put in place where a certain number of Buildings could be swapped for free during the preparing for war period before indi. Allow players to try other builds in war. The builds would revert back to normal upon completion of the war. Unfortunately with the cost of buildings on new tiers VERY expensive to chance build.

    Just my thoughts, anyway I do support some sort of revamping the effects of towers on plunder, or adding a % of plunder increase to troop buildings once tank mechs are achieved could work. Not enough to negate the effects of the towers but enough to bridge the gap in plunder.
  8. Being a Hansel player with a untowered hybrid for a alt.

    I find that Hansel's are personally more fun to play as from a non war perspective. While I have warred system/osw, stripped & pvped with this account as well as done PvP events.

    It may have been easier to go tower hybrid for PvP aspect, plus it has been said that if we don't stay pinned attack wise were just going to be chewed.

    While that is true, I've had my share of failed attacks in my NF from players with attack stats higher than mine. Trying to farm my main with my alt for PvP lenegds was a major annoyance while switching out for the spy legend was a breeze.

    Both sides have major pros & cons. Personally I like my build & the freedom it brings to not require towers if I intend to PvP PS style.
  9. I've lost interest lately too
  10. I've been losing interest since it seems one player can single handedly win a war. That didn't used to be the case. It was about strategy, teamwork, and activity.

    I support this for several reason.
  11. That's absolutely impossible if you have even half a competent/active roster.
  12. Maybe its time to give in...

    Devs can can wars and EE ppl can convert to EB Hansels or retire wtf not? If nothing else OSW would benefit from the pissed off ppl who remain. Wouldn't that be rich if farmfests were nonstop?
  13. You also get to make plunder during wars... or scream your a leak if hansels dont war as ps... no support dump tour towers you dont need to " tank"
  14. This, right here, is the epitome of ignorance^
  15. no support....... go strip them and farming them when they hitting zta hte on crux or xtal. Punish them for no towers. Strip them then easy to clear no bfa and no towers. You got good towers then what can they do, fail assasin or steal?
  16. see the asw they no towers lose badly. if you cant pushing them for no towers (scared hit) why you need the towers youself? :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
  17. Nice SS