Hansel v.s attack build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 10assassin10, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Just started hansel do I need allies still??
  2. For anything but top in clan/lb, Hansel is the way to go. Few players have the towers to defend against more than a 2 mil CS hansel.
  3. Hybrid all the way!
  4. Lc hybrids are great for the EE wars
  5. Hansel is great, you can make sick money and if the **** really hits the fan, strip or Atk building and allies for pure spy shenanigans.

    Of course a hansel with a huge BFA would be a different story...

    Best build Advice? Do all of them.
  6. @n8n8- cratnas also has a bfa can attack through a hlbc atk build.
  7. Hansel all the way
  8. Originally hansels were supposed to have a high enough bfa to attack a maxed attack build but since T4/5 came out it has become harder and harder for hansels to do so. Now hansels in war pin on EB and rip though attack builds that don't have any towers. Towers are key for attack builds with lots in allies or else they will get wasted in a war, unless they don't want to sleep for nights on end. But all it takes is one hour to clean if you have enough hansels/spy builds stealing.. Or if you like to burn xtals 
  9. Attack and win against max attack builds*
  10. Attack is the funnest in my opinion.
  11. Hansel cause strong attack builds have small spies & I have open farms 
  12. Quick question.

    Can you be attacked from a hansel if you are PURE attack?
  13. Speaking of hansels, has anyone seen a hansel with at least 7m spy stats? I haven't seen one yet. :(
  14. 7mil total or 7mil spy attack and 7mil spy defense
  15. 14m total, 7m attack and defense each.
  16. A hansel with 1 t4 att build can att a att build with over 5 m att no problem
  17. 14M hansel has no sense. Scratch that :p

    Well… there are quite a few. ISS has a lot of hansel builds, it shouldn't be difficult to find a hansel bigger and weaker than 7M CS…
  19. A hansel can't get to 14 mil spy stats. I only have 1 land to go, and 2 t5's left to upgrade. I love the hansel build, for all things, and I'm 1248 on lb whoever said you can't get in top 2000. That's with the lowest ally total I've had in a long time. Once I'm done building, time to concentrate on allies and get into top 50 on lb.