Hansel Talk

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wakebuster, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. I'll be saving up.
    1. Because I can see it being quicker, once you get at least 100bil, if you can get someone to volley, that'll give you a big boost.
    2. I want to see the massive figures.

    (Who said you have to bank it in allies...? Just lie low).
  2. Nobody hits anyone on bl anyway anymore. Unless you pick a fight there is no problem in leaving it out.

    I'll probably save up just cos it's quicker in the long run and I have patience
  3. I saved 1tril to convert 38 guilds into SoS and then a level 3 CoE. Its not bad if youre active.
  4. The hansel guide you reference while still very relevant was made during pwar era the plunder drop In pwars was Indeed large now as you say it is laughable.
  5. Are there even any hansel guides out there that aren't from 2011?
  6. Lol I am too lazy to save up that much. When the time comes I'm converting 1 by 1
  7. @c1, none that I can think of.
  8. I'm converting to T3 1 by 1.
  9. It's not hard to save up, I had 1Trill in allies in no time, I stick to 40bil and 93bil active allies, the 40bil ones sell in minutes.

    Having the gold in active allies means you don't have to leave large amounts of gold out too, plus you get 600mil every time you sell a 40bil ally, that's the same as a full unload for some, every time one sells.

    Just make sure to shop the right prices, use Havoc's price list, you don't want to shop people that have been dropped.
  10. But you need them all to sell at the same time so you can upgrade 2/3 of your guilds to SoS's. How do you get them to all sell within the same day?
  11. It's seems almost impossible I think lol
  12. I don't think it matters as much after pwars died. That was where the guild hansels made bank.
  13. I switched all at once. Joined every strip war I could till the 700b in allies was taken.
  14. Lmao CGP, that's genius lol
  15. You can ally trade and make up to easily 10b a day... I do. And guild hansels can get up to another 20b a day haunting
  16. Now, guild hansels can convert straight to T3 spy,

    If they come out
  17. That's 30bil a day you need to save up for 16 SOS which is about 600bil so about 20 days to save up.