Hansel? Or Not.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Azulean, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. I'll try that missbehave thx
  2. Beastiary is T2. CoE is t4. Big stat difference, requires less bfa for full success unload. More damage with same bfa...
  3. Ya I'm a hansel with a lvl 3 Coe and an ug castle
  4. Death Use 7.5 and 2.5 same affect as 12m and cheaper
  5. Not neccesarily same effect. Should do more damage in eb, that gives larger bonus.
  6. I already use 2.5 and 7.5 I will try 12 in an eb and see what the result is
  7. If you dont like it, you can always switch bak :)
  8. Hansel build is a great war build but you have to know how to use it.
  9. 100% based on what you like. I have an attack main, and this Hansel alt. Personally, I like the Hansel build more. That doesn't mean I'm going to re-build my other account though.
  10. Go hansel. You'll never regret it
  11. Hansel is the most versatile build but is very ally reliant. I would go Hansel if you are a patient player.
  12. I male 41 Million a hit on Haunting. I also have the highest attack stats on KaW. I just prefer the high attack.
  13. IMO, you should go hybrid, but like some people said (I didn't read through all the pages), it's all up to you and what you feel comfortable with. 
  14. In the end attack builds make the most gold. Ever see a hansel make 70mil a hit. I've seen attack builds hit for 70 plus. All depending on build though.
  15. Try doing a hybrid build.