Stables is definitely the key! I won 2 outa 4 attacks vs 6m defence earlier today. Hansel buster is attack build with enough spy to hit hansels who have no gold out (ie make spy stats at least 20% of total stats).
Last OSW I was in, "hybrids" with over 4.5m attack were able to farm my hansel even when it had no gold out. If that's not the biggest counter to hansel then Im not sure what is. Ended up having to go pure spy to stop them from repotting on my spy. I think that the current mechanics should be nerfed to require a higher percent of spy builds for hybrids to hit a hansel with 0 gold out. Just my take..
Wouldn't a hansel killer be an attack build with spy defense towers? And dumb question.... Do pure defense buildings help prevent hansels from assassinating or is that only the spy defense towers?
I'd say hansel killer would be 10 spy defense t5 5 t5 defense 5colonies 5 vols 24 SOS or 10 spy defense t5 5 t5 defense 5coe s 10 vols 19SOS
@Dredd, there is more to it. Hansels are dtw to hitter blds when they hv no gold out. This happen a lot in war, cos the hansel are actively clearing their gold. Therefore, u end up in a situation when you hit them 1x and they go dtw (even though their troops are high). The only 2 blds capable of hitting hansels with zero gold are (a) another hansel (b) a hybrid. By definition (lifted from bellemorte's thread on fight mechanics) Hitter: Atk bld >25%, Spy bld <25% Hybrid: Atk bld >25%, Spy bld >25% Hansel: Atk bld <25%, Spy bld >25% *% of total bld excl. towers A hansel will get thru but at a low success probability unless aided by strong BFA. But it's easy to build a hybrid to hit hansel. In the ideal case, a hybrid stats can be as high as 7.0/7.0/0.9/0.9m stats when T5BC. The high differential between the hybrid atk stats and the hansel def stats ensure very high success probability. Twrs are optional (for hybrids to farm 0-gold hansel) in the eyes of the game mechanics. It is desirable though since the hansel will retaliate by ass.