Hansel Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MissMelon, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Hello! I unlocked the mage and now switching all guilds to SoS in lowlands..but my plunder from allies keeps dropping..should I continue or not?
  2. A hansel can have more then 1 atk building. Just has to have less then 25% atk buildings to be considered hansel more then 25% puts them in spy heavy hybrid
  3. Jig make sure u save at lest 14b at a time so when u put up a sos u can upgrade straight to lvl 3 plunder change will be minimal then
  4. So what is a hansel again please ?
  5. Take note of when this was written... August 2011.. Back then it was extremely specific that a hansel was only 1 attack building. I at the time of creating the thread actually had 8 attack buildings but still considered myself a hansel as the mechanics were still the same, but would call myself a spy heavy hybrid or a hybrid hansel to keep the haters happy.

    Since then the definition has changed.

    And the thread is clearly outdated and it probably is full of inaccurate information lol. There are other Hansel guides such as Val's that is probably more helpful. Only reason I haven't asked for a lock is because it brings back memories of when I was a kaw nerd and liked making pink threads lol.

    I don't intend on updating it any time soon because I'm pretty useless with game knowledge now since I've been out of touch with it pretty much since mithril came out.
  6. Isn't Val's t4/5? I might be wrong, this was the guide I used long ago and when I started again I looked for this very guide, it's one of the best out there(I never knew it was outdated :3)
  7. Can someone please volley me im new and dont have speakers
  8. Well it'd be more out of date towards the end since I'm sure there is a more effective way these days with all the new lands and t5. So I suppose this may still work for guilds, but once you're ready to move beyond the highlands I'm not sure what's best!
  9. Good guide.
  10. Bump. Seems outdated though.
  11. Bumping for the newbies. Sticky sticky
  12. Kaw admin told me to do it