Hansel Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MissMelon, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. hello hansel guide. i just linked you. ;)
  2. How useful!

    Thanks if this was for me if not then I must be very lucky :)
  3. Sticky :mrgreen:
  4. Bump, because i think this is good 
  5. ;) all Extremely great but tell them to do b2b ambush that's the best for hansels
  6. Sticky? This would be great to have once I'm LC T4...
  7. This looks to be a gread guide,unfortunatly i just found the guide and have a question where i should be now. I just did my 25th land, i have four guild halls and the rest forges,. what would be my best route from here?
  8. Good advice mate. Im still a noob and slowly working on a hansel build. I'll be using this advice
  9. Dan i changed all my forges to level 4 guilds at 25 lands and i made one into a beastery
  10. I would like to add something to do with your allies. Some of you may already know this but im adding this for those who don't. When you put down a new guild and upgrade it buy a cheap ally say around 10-20k and if your plunder increases then buy a more expensive one. If it doesn't increase then its only 10-20k that you spent and you will still have plenty gold to finish upgrading the guild. Have fun and enjoy the game :) and happy new year
  11. Few things to add, hansel is spy build with less than 25% of troop builds! U don't get 2 xtra hits with balanced build as it takes longer to regen (I saw u added this at the end) haunts NML fod cod are the quickest way to grow! U don't need to hit eb just get item sections if u do put more than 1 attack building up I would suggest 2 balanced buildings as the combined stats = more than any other 2 buildings do! Good guide tho tbf also I would say if u are doing the above eb's go to 1.2bil land first then convert all guilds to lvl4 once this is done your laughing
  12. 1 last thing, when u can its cheaper to use battle fury to hit haunts than it is to use pots! I usually use holy wrath (7.5mil attack pot) but as mith should be cheap ish it takes (750mil =100 holy wrath) for around 4 unloads even if ur mith costs around the same u get 5 unloads! (Only use mith if you can be on or empty every hour)
  13. Love this guide I used it tons to grow
  14. Although I've read this guide multiple times for reference for my alt, I don't believe I've commented on how AMAZING this guide is! You did a great job Mel and you'll always be my favorite owner ;)