Nice update OP. TY for clearing up another misconception. The problem with the TL;DR answer is that it doesn't sufficiently resolve the confusion. You're already on this thread; read it already. You can ask any questions that you may have here in the comments to clarify some points.
The reason I went hansel almost 3 years ago, was because I wanted to steal from whoever tf I wanted. Only 1/200 people were hansels and they were not super big. Now everyon is a hansel, and I am slowly converting ti attack
But you see, you are using different builds to hit the same eb. Its like hitting ambush then haunting with the same build imo. Max ally bonus differs and bonus the buildings give is also different
I proved it with a Friend had a friendly completion to see who gets the most out of eb And where I got the most gold She got the most ally plunder So I was getting more if I only skimmed but If I was to unload like she was, she would be earning more So it depends on your style of play if you like skimming go att or if you like unloading just go Hancel
Very well written thread thank you for all the info! Will keep this in back of my Mind for future reference. Sticky this! Head
Yes TS. Great thread. Only way to HF complete is honestly, nob... Or it's gonna take forever. Also. Nothing much to look forwards to in terms of plunder (as mentioned in my previous thread) However the ONE biggest plus point of converting and improving your base stats, is that you can prolly steal larger players. Sadly, one hit from them earns them back more than you steal..... Radz
Great thread! I would bookmark it but im not on PC. Lol. So, right now I have about 29 lvl4 Guilds and 1 lvl4 CoE. What should I do?
Easiest way to convert to a hansel is have 10-14 att builds rest guilds or SOS then save for the vol lvl3
You can hit any EB with a forge as long as you have the BFE/BFA to support it. Getting all the EBs' items will give you enough attack to hit Haunts without pots.