yeah. i guess i never had time to really digest what an impact they had. i have only played a few months out of the past year. every time i pick this game up it pisses me off for a different reason. like when i quit kaw the first time, i was as big as i could get. i thought "i will never have to do epics again". then the items came out. then tier 5 came out. and now here i am still doing epics instead of warring. so yeah. it pisses me off.
T5 hansels are better earners, but it's a loong payback time on your investment. Getting a feather and a bow for a guild hansel is a jackpot - some enchants on that and you can hit any EB potless and make tons in gold. Fastest way to t5bc is guild hansel with equips, save up 4.5t and do a full conversion to desired build. Its a very boring way to play a war game though....
@Word, then take a chill pill. Or build a bridge and get over it. Or drink a cup of concrete and harden the **** up.
Well, now you explained it so that I can understand. And I couldn't say how much more I agree with you. T5 can screw off.
@alison - it's like anarchy said. most players aren't you. not many people your size would be anything close to a threat. didn't realize i was talking to a legend. sorry.
@word. When about to engage with a guild hansel. Always check equip and bfa... Because there are becoming more and more nasty equipment tanked guild hansels, ready to kick-ass. :lol:
Although entertaining to see all this Mis-understanding I've just read word does have at least 1 good point about guild hansels earning less than T5hansels. At least, I think that was his initial point ......
A Guild Hansel should pursue the Electric Storm Bow from The Guilded Lord (TGL), and The Diamondeferous Sword from Figure of Death (FoD). The Volary Hansel earns the best provided you have the BFA to back you up. You definitely need 500b allies as a minimum. I'm earning 19.8m after removing pot (7.5m) cost with a Volary Hansel. LL >> 24 SoS HL >> 1L1 Garden, 6L1 Volary, 16L2 Volary I have 126b in allies. I need the Electric Storm Bow.
I make over 30 mil a hit on haunts, and don't use pots to hit any eb. The quicksilver plates from toc (if I remember correctly) are important to have also. I wouldn't trade my stats for anything!! Btw, I'm a t5 hlbc hansel.
My advice is do Ambush. That's a good EB for hansels along with Haunting. So don't convert to SOS until you have enough to convert most of your guilds. Follow me of you want more specific detail
I mostly do ambush at the moment and make about 10bill per ambush i do. So if i do 2 or 3 a day that's 30bill without having to use any pots.
I am a relatively new player, and a guild Hansel. Estoc gear is easier for me to achieve than the top EB stuff. Rather than focus on sword and bow, buy the red gauntlets first.
from the alchemist. Winning two estoc wars, using full mith and potions, will give enough mith to buy the gauntlets.