That's sucks. If you get the enough allies So you only need the 2.5 mil attack pot that would be good.
You don't need loads if allies as a hansel Krypton, in osw they're a liability. Unless you just wanna EB?
Enchanted items can make a world of difference- fully enchanted bow, sword, gloves and ring and you wont need that many allies- their attack stats will more than compensate.
Obviously your a eb warrior unti HLBC. By the time your HLBC all your allies are gone from flipping so you might as well become a pure spy and have some fun
Look, don't do haunting. Do NML, payout is nearly the same but you need almost no pots, I don't need any at all. HLBC on NML, then get allies to do haunting.
Actually the way krypton described is exactly how I'm going about it, although I may flip to t4 hlbc then start working in t5. To convert to t4 hlbc takes approx 650bill. Also holding allies as a guild hansel isn't that much of a risk, anyone of a decent size can't hit you and most accounts of a similar size won't have the resources.
Ive seen fastest growth as guild hansel hitting ambush, buying allies with all extra gold. If u buy the right allies they will get sold very quickly. My alt is not even 20th land and has 60bil in allies, selling those allies every 4hrs
As soon as i hit 100bil ally worth, i will upgrade to 5hl, getting guilds each time and changing my circle of elementals to a t5 balanced
Keep on going till 45th HL, getting guilds. Then switch all LL to SoS in one conversion then all HL to SoS in one conversion. Then do whatever :lol: