Sorry if I came across kinda harsh badger. The effort was great. The forums are an unkind place to post guides. Your guide is very well written but needs some tweaks to be accurate. Keep up the good work and don't let those jerks (including me) get you down with negativity. :mrgreen:
Another tip is to just finish out your build with defence bldg then spend a day or two doing quests to pick up easy xtals. Then rejoin pw and convert your bld to guilds as gold is available. You won't be effective at quests if you convert to hansel prior to LC. Takes a week or less to lc with defence build then less than a week to finish the conversion to hansel. My way will allow u to pick up 20-30 free xtals.
Obviously you need some work, I doubt that you are a hansel, or was one. if you are, you should know that SoS only goes up to lvl3 and forges makes the least, If i would choose, my choices are 75% wanting to build beast and 25% wanting to build war cath :lol:
Hansel build is the best when starting off and having forges help hit eb but I suggest 100k attack join a origins cpan and hit itemsbthat will give you a great bonus overall