Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxllSWllxX, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Sw. Good guide but a hansel is half attack/ half spy.
    Dont know if it was posted already.
  2. You only get plunder from attacking not stealing.

    You want to do a relatively easy EB if you want to successfully attack (or use items from the marketplace)

    You need to have minimum 3 bill gold in allies to make any real kind of plunder bonus (but you should make sure you are at maximum at ALL times anyway)

    Someone else can fill in the blanks
  3. ^@bottom page 12 guy who I have no idea what his name is lol
  4. Good guide!

    Actually what i did to be a hansel was become a T3 hybrid on low lands..then just convert..takes longer to reach T3 hybrid but you convert guilds a lot faster
  5. ok, so in order to get my plunder in hansel build i have to do an attack right.. ok but with only 1 beast its impossiblr to make a hit.. im doing the forgoten ones.. n i still cant hit....
  6. do u mean attak as in fight or assasinate??
  7. Attack as in fight.

    And in order to attack successfully you will need to use attack potions/items which can be found in the marketplace.

    With only a bestiary you will probably need to use all of them although I'm not totally sure.

    But you NEED allies first. Atleast a few billion just to make even.
  8. ouh ok.. so i need to get more allie first in order to get more plunder.. ok now i understand.. thanks..
  9. Question. If I didn't have any HL yet, so say I had 23 lv4 guilds 1 castle and 1 CoE, with max ally plunder, how much $$$ do u make per hit on an eb?
  10. About 23-24m per hit on haunting ~
  11. I'm lost.. So who actually makes more? Hybrids or Hansels?
  12. Depends if your hitting Easy EBs/OSF or harder EBs
  13. Well I'd prolly stick with the Haunting of course. Being it does give out the majority of everybody money they make :)
  14. You'll need about the second strongest pot to hit decently in that case :p
  15. Who is bumping all my old threads....
  16. Just trying to figure out which makes more. As in Hybrid or Hansels.
  17. I bumped it my friendī€Ž I loved this guide and remembered it. Found it on the 24th page, took me a while.