Half Price Land Costs ideas to unlock lands

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -ReSiDeNt-_-AlicE-_-eViL-, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Hello KaW
    This my new idea of what you can do once per year by implementing one time per year a half price gold cost on all lands for a short period of time of the year like for example a month in the year you can do a half price gold reductions on all land costs. I think that this idea in your in game developments would be very important to all kawers. This would help long time players & newbies to catch up & grow fast. I hope that my land costs gold reduction idea might be a reality in the near future. Thanks for reading & also doing.
    rabbit420 likes this.
  2. I would literally just not buy land the rest of the year lol. These pm lands are pricey.