H0W do some people make 30bill a day

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *OpTic_PsYcOsSiS (01), Aug 30, 2012.

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  1. Tsg with pots, man. It's possible.
  2. Do HTE. Sometimes I can make 50B per HTE with xstals if I try.
  3. If you have a good clan that runs good ebs ... (Ex. HTE) and you are active it isn't that hard.
  4. Anyone else notice the OP is an invalid user? Got to question how much use this thread is if the OP no longer exists lol suppose them saying they had a main means they could view it anyways. And making 30 billion a day for some people is very easy. Max xtalling a HTE would do it. Doing large slow ebs like TSG or SS would likely accomplish the same. You could probably get 30 billion a day with a few quick haunts depending on activity.
  5. If i try i can make 100b ( with HTE only )
  6. Full items on escape pays 24bill alone now if you can done 1 an hour and you only hit seal how much would that be
  7. Guys look at the date.. This is pre hte.. During that time making 30b in a day was a lot.. This got necro bump a few pages ago
  8. Oh haunts lots of haunts
  9. well fancy that, Larry is correct. I didn't notice. Cheers. Alright, thread is being locked for necro bumping
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