H0W do some people make 30bill a day

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *OpTic_PsYcOsSiS (01), Aug 30, 2012.

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  1. It's easy to sell crap allies.

    Get into a strip war and voíla!!! lol
  2. Being stripped and selling are two very different things ;)
  3. Most people that make 30 bil a day are usually attack builds that cycle or skim units doing 1 hour haunts and hitting most of the items. At that point they start Allie trading to get a lot more money.
  4. 30b a day as a hansel no problem. Farming for extra on top of that just for laughs 

    Haunting is the answer, pref 2 1/2 hrs long 

    Hope that helps
  5. :D i make 1bil a day xD
  6. THanks for alll the feedback
  7. I make 20 bill a day :(
  8. Crystals and a good clan. I have done as much as 100bill a day and do 50 most days
  9. Blitz fod is good
  10. Haunts all the way :))
  11. Ally market is way down as ppl are even dropping actives
  12. I make 50 to 55 bil a day just doing epics. Throw in a couple ally trades can make upwards of 60 plus a day.
  13. I know people that can make 30 bil in 3 hauntings...
  14. Lol I didn't even realize the only punctuation mark was in 2.3 until lime said it.
  15. Use grammar
  16. Only way is xtals, or the treasure tomb random drop
  17. Obviously ally trading too ^
  18. I'm only making like 10-15 bil a day. Ally market is dead.
  19. Blame T5 for that. Day before release - 15 sales.

    Day of release - 1. And it was a damn rehire.
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