I was in that war. We had one inactive, and one person with connection that kept coming in and out, so practically 2 in actives. Y'all brag and boast and are a little too confident, that ruins clans.
Great war record guys. Could this just be the next Rising Hawks? We will see though I would place bets that this clan will be very damn successful!
I hope they are a very successful clan. But to compare any clan (my own included) to Rising Hawks is over the top. I don't think we will see another Rising Hawks anytime soon. The mechanics have changed so much that I don't see it happening. Maybe I will be proven wrong. I don't think any currently warring clan has a 20 match win streak going . . . much less anything approaching Rising Hawks record of 156 straight wins. When a clan gets over 100 straight wins, then we can start comparing.
9-3. Thanks for the good war, see y'all around soon! Best thing about LL wars is hoping you have the best roster for whom you match. Keep up the good work y'all.