Guys or Girls? You choose.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Rochendil purple knows exactly what she is doing .She talked nasty lies about wattz and trys to manipulate men to be nasty to him by flirting with them first. she's so transparent.
  2. Roni you're so delusional I genuinely pray every night for you
  3. No need to pray for me.You are the only one who needs to repent .
  4. Lol ya know I lurk in forums a lot and I don't ever see this behavior you're complaining about.
    What I do see is you constantly peeing all over threads that are meant to be light hearted and taking everything seriously or personally.
    The first half of this thread was a joke. Then you and Wattz came along and derailed it and turned it into drama. What is the point of that? If you don't like her then be the bigger person and just ignore her when you see her on threads. Its really not that hard. Constantly following someone around from thread to thread and commenting on everything they have to say only fuels the fire. And quite frankly it's annoying to watch.
  5. Rochendil you only see what you want to see.Do you notice purple leeching all over my threads ? Of corze you wont state that when its been very evident right from the time she stepped on forums.And actually wordmaster insulting wattz is just him being spoonfed lies about Wattz by purple.You really have no idea what gets spoke about in p/m and I know wattz very well.So I know all that purple is telling others about wattz is slander and lies.No offence roch but you really don't have a clue what purple has been doing to wattz .He defended her when godofdeath was attacking her and her clan .Just ask skinnyminny.wattz is a good person.She then told lies about wattz and now is up godofdeath's butt and been a sell out and traitor when wattz with his own good heart defended her.Its so obvious she is spreading lies about him .
  6. God of death is my friend?
  7. Rochendil you really need go read all my threads and see every little meaningless comment that purple writes on my threads that I wrote. Then do repeat your comment when know the full facts else you look like only bandwagoning yourself.
  8. Yes he is don't play clueless.
  9. I wasn't I was stating the facts also he never farmed my clan I'm pretty sure it was Todd who threatened to. Also how can you be so sure that you're not the one being spoon fed lies? I don't even talk about wattz anymore he keeps bringing himself up
  10. It was god of death and todd both did then you be a traitor and become friends with both.
  11. God of death was wattz friend wattz even had a little protected by thing and Todd and I aren't friends maybe talk on the forum like once a week idk
    Honestly like I said before idrc about wattz or you you two are the ones who constantly wanna start stuff when I'm just tryna live my life
  12. forums are for anybody to write on .I don't even say get off my thread purple.I let it be.Yet everytime wattz writes you claim he's stalking you.Yet you are all over my threads .So with that same brush you are also stalking me. Double standards .
  13. You keep quoting wattz stop stalking its you not letting wattz breathe and do his own thing on kaw.don't play innocent because you are blatenly lying .
  14. This is so true
  15. Like I said b4 roni I pray 4 u ?
  16. Thanksss
  17. Lol I disagree with you so suddenly I'm bandwagoning. Trust me I'm not a huge fan of purple either. I just think that it shouldn't be that hard to ignore someone.
  18. I can only call what I see. No, I don't know what's said in PM. I wasn't here for whatever drama Purple started with your friends. But I DO see a lot of negativity from you.
    And from Purple.
    Its some forums on a damn tap tap game. Eventually someone needs to be the bigger person and either drop it or let their troops do the talking. The banter isnt even witty anymore.
  19. Haters gunna hate 

    For the record tho I really did try to drop it. I just get bored and can't help but feed into it. Oh well whatcha gonna do
  20. I'm sorry but I don't back off when liars are slandering my friend .Trying to get people to vindictively bully and be nasty to him and try to discredit and dirty his name on kaw.