purple, your place is where ever you want it to be. go out and make your place in the world. there. i put her in her place.
women are weak creatures. They're weaker (frailer) than men in nearly every way, and the sooner you internalized that in your life (consciously or unconsciously), the sooner you became better at game, had better relationships, became a better leader, and (probably) started being called a misogynist, a sexist, an asshole, or a panoply of other insults, by those very women and their supplicants (lesser men). Think about it: 1. Why do women go to bars and clubs in massive packs and refuse to leave their friends? Because they're weak. They know that, left to their own devices, they will drink too much, succumb to the advances of a smooth player, or take off their clothes in public. Every time you get cockblocked by a "friend," rest assured this is an unspoken contract being executed. 2. Why are more women obese than men?Because, at least in part, they're weak. They have less self-control and less self-awareness. They rely on the opinions of others to shape their self-conceptions. If their female echo chamber tells them they look good, they continue to eat and not exercise. They are more susceptible to advertisement, which sells them **** they don't need. 3. Why is the Starbucks packed with chicks? Why does every girl have uggs, an iPhone, and makes duck-face in their pictures? Because women lack the strength of decision-making and risk-taking through creativity. Their worst fear is being shunned by the herd. This is a sign of weakness. 4. Why are female bosses the biggest cunts in the world and make lousy leaders? Because they're weak, and they know it. They overcompensate for their weakness, in a true display of so-called "Napoleonic Complex," by being monsters. They lead based on emotion and gossip rather than logic and merit. If you've ever worked in an environment composed of a majority of women, you know what I mean. 5. Why do women hit men morethan men hit women, but have men get arrested for it more often? Because they're weak. Not only do they inflict less physical damage (the obvious weakness), but are then quick to run to authorities when things don't go their way. That's not to deny legitimate wife-beating--which does happen--but to point out the tens of thousands of cases annually where a guy gets thrown in the can for a night because the woman simply lost the fight and called in reinforcements. list goes on
How about you bump your stats up and we settle this debate? Since that probably won't happen and you'll just hide behind your barely existant stats I'll handle this on here. From the first page of this thread you have been trying to prove that females are superior. However The tactics you have used for this are from the first grade, "girls rule boys drool" is the foremost example of this low end attempt to prove supperiority which backfires and makes you look like a fool. Another example would be "boys go to Jupiter to get stupider, girls go to Mars to get men with nice cars". These only seem to prove how the male mind is far more advanced than that of a females. A low end female such as your self may try to prove that females are physically superior as they have to give birth. However science has proven that being kicked in the testicles is equal in pain if not worse. So there is another way in which men are proven to be superior through science. My final point as to why men are superior to women has to do with physiology, women have less of a drive for life, they slack more, spend more time at home, spend the money a man makes, lie more easily and have lies more readily available inside their brain. Simply put females are spenders, liars and cannot compete with men. We spend our days working hard, we dedicate hours and hours of our time to support others. And what do we get? We get third wave feminism trying to say a 400pound women deserves more respect than a man trying to provide for himself and his family. In conclusion men reign superior over women and this has been proven by me; Saltyfeetish P.H.D and by science. So the argument can end here with the final conclusion of, "Guys got the good chromosomes".
Sry read the first paragraph and was in disbelief U never know now n days people take stuff super serious & I never know who's Trollin or not and red pill guys r real and alive