Guild Stats Decrease

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlxlI_Elric_IlxIl, Nov 25, 2013.

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  1. What's your address? I'm going to Fedex you a midget to punch you in the nuts and you will have something to really cry about.
  2. Thank you for your contribution Gundam, a well thought through argument with subtle nuances
  3. Lol @Op really more of these if ur so disgruntled by wats happened email the devs instead of adding more garbage to forums
  4. As I've asked before if you can't put a reasoned argument for or against please don't bother posting ...." Mehhhhhh I'm right your wrong" is not a basis for an intelligent debate
  5. Lol I never said right or wrong I merely put plz go complain to the devs via email then on forums
  6. Just curious why people are spending real money on a guild build lol

    The devs already stated that they are doing this to keep people growing in the game not just getting stuck at gh build.. Essentially the easiest build to make. They want people to progress in the game aka not get to gh and get bored in a week then quit. It will keep players in kaw longer since there will now be a better reason to upgrade. Upset about the nerf? Then upgrade 
  7. This is to fix the gh in ee war.. The devs said they were gonna fix gh after season 1... The time was gonna come and is finally here..They won't devalue any other buildings. Gh shouldn't make that much plunder for having one of the cheapest buildings to make.
  8. Okay I will add to the debate . When SOS came out it was in the Plunder War era. The Devs didn't give a proportionate plunder increase as compared to Guilds at that time because they didn't want to increase plunder from PW's. That "control" came back to bite them in EE wars. The reason for holding down plunder on SOS /Vols no longer exists as plunder wars have gone . So the Devs should reinstate the plunder levels of higher spy buildings and not show such disregard to their clients as reducing the value of the buildings they own.
  9. Just 1 small thing mate ! Im Quite glad with my build ! I dont want a plunder increase from my SOS or volary's ! You want devs to change plunder for my build?? Big spies dont Cry ! 
  10. Good points

    But if you really think about this it go way way back to when SoS first came out It was clear then that the plunder levels for SoS where well below that of a Guild.
    The same happen yet again when the Vols Came out.
    I'm not sure about Unkari Trees I haven't got many as yet .
    But the stats increase doesn't seem to warrant the cost . Also the plunder increase is negligible, But again I'm hanging on Level 1's atm .

    What I'm trying to say in a round about way is that the imbalance has been here in KaW for as long as I have been playing this game (1225 days) !!! omg

    Its passed time that the whole of KaW was devalued knock off 3 Zeros off all and everything in KaW

    But picking on one build is just WRONG

    Come on DEV's you created this problem by introducing spy builds that did not keep track with the attack builds, Stat and Plunder wise

    It was always going to happen that people where going to use what ever means where available to win EE wars etc,

    This change is a little like saying "he's got a bigger stick than me I'm going to tell the DEV's its not fair"
    It’s a WAR GAME all is fair in a WAR GAME or maybe its not if your not winning!!

    I don’t know I’m confused, people can and I Quote "re Extortion with in KaW"

    “Seal of the Damned is a free, in game item that does drop. Players can *choose* if they wish to purchase it, just like they can choose to agree to ceasefire terms or even to participate in OSW in the first place.”

    Extort, Lie, Cheat, Steal, Assassinate, Farm and general bully smaller kingdoms, But if and when said smaller kingdoms seam to be winning all hell breaks out and a massive back lash is created. And the DEV’s make a change to create a balance!!!

    Come on get real
  11. True pertoke But wait I remember seeing a few larger spies complaining about how un-fair it is that some attack builds with small spies could scout bomb and pin a spy build 
  12. I agree pank  but than I would seen as we're in the same clan 
  13. Stop complaining. Now gh are actually gonna have to work for there stuff like the rest of us.
  14. OP you play the game and you blame the creators of the game for the decisions they make?

    It's for the better of the game that GH was nerfed. It was genuinely overpowered and the mechanics aren't what they should be by the programming of the 'tier bridge' from GH to SoS
  15. Why all the hate towards GH?

    A build comes out that gives people the upper hand in a war and everyone cries "Cheater" because their build isn't as good.
  16. Okay... Yet again ... This has nothing to do with GH ... It's about Guilds !! Please try and understand what the Devs are about to get away with. They are going to reduce the plunder amount a building type makes. Now this may be the lowly Guild, but doing it, and the KAW community accepting it with open arms, means that they will do it again !! To attack buildings, to spy buildings ... If it suits them, if it means they can make more money ... Come on KAW community.. For once try and stay on topic and anyone that feels that this is an unreasonable action for Devs to take speak up 
  17. Sorry I meant to say Guilds not GH in my previous post 
  18. what you say is logical op.

    unfortunately the gh envy rage is too great.

    enchants don't work .... gh fault

    insert any game loss ... gh fault

    unfortunately you are correct but the group think madness has engulfed the masses. logic has lost.

    you will have to sit back and wait till the day you can say "I told you this would happen"
  19. Yes they will decrease vol plunder to match lvl 1 sos too! #logicallogic :roll:
  20. Ok so the correction shouldnt be with gh's being decreased.. if the devs needed to "fix their mistake" they should have increased the plunder for sos n vols and whatever else wasnt good enough in comparison to guilds.
    So it is reasonable to assume that they didnt nerf gh to "fix" the problem.. they nerfed gh cuz too many ppl complained about such a small build being so effective in war. That basically goes back to, if u dont wanna get hit by a gh dont keep ur stats within their range. But, If devs would really fix the mistake and put an increase on other builds im sure everyone would still find something about gh to complain about.
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