Guild Stats Decrease

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlxlI_Elric_IlxIl, Nov 25, 2013.

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  1. As Berd said, those threads are getting old...
    His WoW analogy is funny as that's a game where extremely often nerfs were brought out to balance PvP between classes.

    First of all, stats for a guild hansel won't change... but they will now earn plunder according to their stats and building costs.

    Let's have an analytical look at guilds and the troop buildings they correspond to. Historically, guilds were the spy buildings that came out with T1, T2 and T3 buildings. SoS came out with T4, those are the T4 spy buildings. We all agree on that?

    Pricewise, this is very obvious: a guild lvl1 costs the same as a T1 lvl1, a guild lvl2 that of a T2 lvl1-2, a guild lvl3 that of a T2 lvl3-T3 lvl1. And the price of a guild lvl4 equals roughly that of a T3 lvl3.
    But, big surprise! This equivalence doesn't hold for the plunder earned by those corresponding buildings!

    Well, now the devs have decided to do just that, level back the guild plunder to that of their corresponding Tier building...
  2. bored an stopped reading
  3. Thank you Kassio, I agree the reduction in plunder take is certainly one way of dealing with the anomaly. It isn't the only way however. Increasing the plunder of SOS and vol to match the progression started with the guild would have been a positive response to the problem. It would have the affect of changing how people build, probably changing more people into a balanced hybrid type build... But I'm not against change..
  4. Blah blah blah I want my atk buildongs plumder increased lol
  5. @ fozzy, well if you want yr attack buildings plunder increased then you will have to start a new thread. However if you don't want your attack buildings plunder decreased then you may want to consider if doing that to Guilds is a reasonable response to a 3 year old building plunder anomaly ?! This will affect new players, making their growth slower than yours or mine, is that fair ? Are you sure that the build you have won't be nerfed by the Devs on the precedent this creates ?
  6. I agree gh are good for new players, I had loads when I was growing. Like I said it was a means to an end, the guilds served there purpose and I sold them as I grew. The problem lies in ppl not selling them and not progressing into a big sos/vol hansel that makes more gold once complete
  7. get a life 
  8. Well, we all agree that guilds at lvl4 presented an anomaly in plunder in the game, compared to their equivalent T3 lvl3 buildings.

    To fix it, the devs only could nerf the guild plunder, raising other buildings plunder isn't an option as you'd have to basically readjust the plunder of all buildings to fit the guild schema.

    The devs never really bothered fixing this plunder anomaly as it didn't have any real impact on the game. Guild hansels were small in stats, weak but earned their life pretty well, it was a great build when used as a means to grow (basically get lc then convert).

    Lately however a new factor came into play: Estoc trials. Well, this plunder anomaly suddenly had an impact on the interaction with other players, causing an imbalance in the game. From that moment on it was pretty clear that gh would get nerfed.

    The devs could have thought of a nerf applied only in system wars, but they chose to globally realign guilds to T3 instead. I perfectly understand all gh's moans to this measure, as they basically are now getting forced to grow again, like all other builds had to anyway. And this is costly and time consuming...
  9. What I don't get is why the cry baby stat whores have to cry that the GH is unfair. Just convert, instead of crying every single war. God. Now you made the devs make a major change to the game. Nice job guys.
  10. Meh ... I'm just gonna quit kaw more xtals for me -.-
  11. @ Kassio.. The fix only in system wars is an interesting proposal. It would flush out if this is just to deal with the war issue or a true rectification of the plunder anomaly .
  12. I like the new change. What they did was for the best.
  13. Its not because of EE wars though ots because people aren't investing in their account as much due to the GHs advantages.

    Think about it no guilds on HF and they anounce T7 around same time as update. Where people been calling for change long before that happened, why do it in that moment?
  14. It was the devs problem and now their fixing it  GO DEVS GO
  15. Rhinocerus, you're a dumbass. This thread has nothing to do with OP using his build in EE /war
  16. Though I understand your point of view. The upgraded spy buildings were meant to increase stats. Since you only gain plunder bonus unless you steal in epic battles, they made it do it would be bigger stats and bigger range of the LB. But hey that's my opinion
  17. This is like everything else the ppl with low stats when they had an opportunity to fight and get very nice items with there very chip and easy build, we all went true the steps and upgraded but you guys see a way to war EE wars and it was easy for you guys to stay with the same builds and participate on EE wars and get your nice equipment. This has noting to do with what the devs corrected, this is all in you guys that found an easy way to participate in EE wars and get miths to buy nice equipment and now with the change is not going to be easy to upgrade those nice items. I have been playing for years and I'm still working hard to upgrade to fight with the big boys that have been here for years. It takes time to grow, but to grow you have to upgrade and that's exactly what the devs are giving you a little push so you guys keep upgrading like we all are doing and stop looking places to blame. Now work hard and start upgrading your builds. I wonder if you even did your resets like we did at LCBC to get points and I'm not to happy with the devs either but I'm not going to discuss here. Keep working hard peeps and don't get involve in this. They want to start something were there's noting to go on!!!!!
  19. You've missed the point Jedi. This isn't about Guild Hansels... It's about Guilds. Just accepting the devs reducing the plunder of a building after 3 years of it being at a certain level is opening the doors to them doing it too any building in the future. They are using the anti Guild Hansel momentum to sneak this through. The precedent is set then.. " Well no one minded when we nerfed Guilds, let's reduce plunder on attack buildings now...." So please stop the Guild Hansel bashing and concentrate on the real issue here. Devaluation of a building in kaw so it gives less plunder, which could if this goes through, happen to ANY building in KAW.
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