:roll: sorry. either way, what's the benefits (besides the easy cash) of having high-spy stats? because you're not makin it to the lb without SOME sort of attack foundation
You aren't making the leader board without a big investment in big allies. Yes, there are leader board hansels. The real reason to make a SoS/Vol hansel is to help with strips.
ahhhhh. that makes sense. but still, id prefer an attack build. even though your opponent see's your name in their notifications, they lose significantly more per hit when you attack
How long does it take to make 500b with an SOS hansel with 33 SOSs lvl 3, 1 colony lvl 1, 3 volarys lvl 2, 1 Coe lvl 3, and 1 castle lvl 3?
SOS is out dated. I regret buying all highland SOS. Guild Hansel for money making/ally trading. Vol Hansel for moneymaking/farming.
I have a hard time believing all guild hansels make better plunder than SoS/Vol hansels. It would be nice to see some data from the hlbc hansels out there. Say...ally bonus on Haunting. Perhaps I should create a separate thread asking for data to put this issue to rest.
Because converting from guilds to SoS drops plaunder. But honestly, the drop comes when you hit a player. If you want to pound hauntings, it should only drop a few million but then start coming back up after 2/3 of buildings are converted.
Guild hansels make anywhere near as much as SOS/Vol hansels on haunting/FoD under the same usage. The only people that say otherwise are noobs that haven't done a full conversion.
EB mechanics vs 1v1 mechanics are different. Devs recently tried to make them the same with serious blowback from the community. But roughly speaking, on Haunting, each lvl4 guild raises allies bonus by about $600k. Each lvl3 SoS raises it by about $1.1 mil, at least in the early stages. After a point, the hansel starts getting "stronger" than the eb and each subsequent SoS (or guild) doesn't raise AB as much. Nevertheless, SoS is still always better than a guild...strictly from a Hansel point of view.
Darn all of these guides here that make me relive the nervousness last time I was on the guild/SoS border. I only vaguely recall that SoS didn't hurt me at all last time I converted, and just right now with the 15B I saved up, I tested by killing one of my guilds in the lowlands and placing down a SoS lvl3. Just one SoS in an ocean of 29 other guilds. Here's my results: Haunting attack (troop) plunder: Previous plunder- 18.2 mil Current- 18.6 mil As you can see, my plunder didn't drop at all. In fact, it rose! This confirms the statements that the SoS lvl3 earns better than a guild l4, and this is before the rise in assassination plunder. I don't have 2/3rds SoS, I only have 1/32 buildings as SoS, and the attack plunder still rose. In terms of hitting other players though, I think that's where the story that SoS drops attack plunder matters, but IMO if you're a hansel/spy build, you should be using your biggest beating stick, the spies, in the first place, so really you have nothing to fear . Edit: The plunder is acting really oddly now, here's my next three l3 SoS: 19.1 Mil 18.1 Mil 18.3 Mil Odd thing.
They won't start hurting until you start getting stronger than the EB target level. Depends on the strength of your other buildings.