guild hansel refund?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by eddzie, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. How does this still matter? GH was a mistake from the start. Doesn't anyone remember that spies were never intended to be a real build? I'm talking before t4 before OSF. Before people even realized you could drop all attack and still get hit. The fact that dev took this long to fix it and GH decided to play like dev would never get around to it is absurd. No one said you had to convert. But now your build hits in line of its tier of building. Soooo wtf is your issue honestly? That you don't want to grow up? Then play at your own level. T2-t3 where you have always rightfully belonged.

  2. After the nerf went live, my plunder increased by at least 10 million. Only two coe's one volary and the rest guilds
  3. Lol is it ok to say that I'm to lazy to change lol I convereted other accounts so many times

    Snow. Was SOS hansel then messed up attack then back to SOS hansel then back to attack build again lol

    I can't decide what to do with this lol attack hansel gh hybrid or just random lol

    Just be laid back about thing and u won't be crying over gh or gh refund or nerf gh thing lol

    Gl and happy kawing

    Ps. I love these threads lol. Two people normally come. Gh crying over nerf others crying that they should of already lol and I see the others are worse lol.
    To me it a fast way to hlc lol.
  4. Why should anyone refund anything? You chose what you want build, devs never force anyone to drop their guild, just lower the plunder by a little, you can stay as gh if you want, stop crying for refund.
    Now for those who cried about gh, I'm sure you will find something else to complain, SOON 
  5. GH are still OP lol
  6. Gh is still a garbage build.
  7. Omg waaaaaa ... All the gold us gh get... Did you not bank? I'm almost rid of all guilds and still have 200+ b in allies and pots I can liquidate.

    Tl;Dr if you can't convert you fail as a player
  8. Request lock. Issue was "nerfed" if anyone read original post I clearly stated they said it might be something they would do based on what they had said.
  9. I was the one who started the whole refund. Then Phoenix jumps on the bandwagon and it was front page everyday with a new thread.
  10. Just wanted to see what this color looked like
  11. I need refund devs. My muney my built. If it happen to bother build I say Ve boycot game and it would bliw up in ur face.
  12. Iq dropped from that