Guild Hansel Exploit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -wE_mlnlmaLimlnal_Fu-, May 23, 2013.

  1. Simple simple simpleton 
    He showed you who is boss
  2. BTW, congratulations on your short attention span. Ignorance is bliss, you must be one of the happiest people alive.
  3. Its a strategy if u dont know how to deal with it its ur problem. Gh are very easy to ass so very easy to kill them fast (tip)
  4. Lol im going to sit back and chuckle at your attempt to show how intelligent you are. This is a war game, and people usually start fighting with words once they're slapped around enough. Funny thing is, I haven't even hit you yet.

    You say thats an alt, why dont you bring out your main, we can solve this the way its meant to be solved on a war game, ya?
  5. ^ like that'll happen
  6. But assassinating doesnt give you as much of a payout as attacking/scouting
  7. Exploits my A!!! It took a long time to get where I am it's called strategy and learning the game mechanics moron!
  8. OMET, you're not a guild hansel :|
  9. I'm still trying to figure out if op is as smart as he thinks he is or just a noob who loves talking smack on a screen to build his self confidence for reality. Lol
  10. Good question, finally. I'm not impressed, but at least you stopped disappointing me. It's a step in the right direction.

    The answer is no, since you clearly like to attack associates instead of just keeping it between us. The fact that you're in Regulators means you're looking for [another] excuse to target a clan. Also, I'm playing the same game but in a different way. I have no interest in OSW or anything remotely similar. Any farming I've done in the past has been very short-live and only to prove to whatever stooge that I attacked that he's not as big as he thought he was, and/or that his time was better spent elsewhere.

    Also, this game takes very little skill if all your going to do is farm. EE is actually a challenge because it has constraints. OSW is unrestricted, meaning that you just need to have the largest collection of bullies or xtals ever in order to "win". That's impressive and all (#sarcasm), but if I get mixed up in that I'll just walk away from the game.

    Anyway, disassembling you in the forum is way more fun than this game has been in a LOOOONG time. You go ahead and sit on your virtual arsenal and make thinly veiled threats. It doesn't change the fact that you're a punk with a complex, just looking for a fight because his life isn't panning out the way he'd like.
  11. I think I just Ate my popcorn with the same hand that had the butt hurt cream 
  12. That whole page two post by WE was condescending and a fail attempt to insult someone's intelligence. You call him a bully because he can bring discomfort to you because of your purdy mouth. That's what KaW is. Get used to it.
  13. Man, you sure do put a lot of time into your internet comebacks don't you? First you insult my clan, then my life?
    Youmadbro? Need to talk to big daddy? Come over here, sit on my lap and tell me whats going on to cause you to harbor so much hatred. Oh, what's that? You came home.from work early and a couple of omet gh's were play pinning your old lady? Dang, i would be upset at those pesky gh's too. But remember, it takes 2 to tango, or in this case...7
  14. You continue to play the pseudo psychologist. Please, what DR. Seuss book did you get your degree from?
  15. The Cat in the Hat
  16. Damn that TNT and his inciting of violence...
  17. The people that think they are winning arguments and say they are , for example, disassembling you, make me laugh. Especially when they are trying so hard to seem cool. Ah well. Maybe next time there pal.
  18. You should just say "NUH-UH!" It's more concise.
  19. *pulls out popcorn*
    Go TNT!!!
    *Chants:farm the noob!farm the noob!*