I know this was written as a joke but there r lots of nuances to sko that many dun understand Regardless sko is a skill
This is just a thread where OP tried (and partially managed) to be funny. Should belong to "Fan fiction" section of Forums. Or at best to "Other KaW discussions".
Many people on iPhones can't move as quick as comp clients. And a majority of users are using phones...
Number 1 reason ppl can't sko LAG.I got 2% left on spies atk gone then I hit to sko and it just sits their thinking while someone else hits me and I'm koed.
Skoing. I have been so good at skoing that even when I steal no pots, and kaw says "no units", I still get credit in cc for an SKO. #SKOboss #LagIsFake #Ipay100dollarsAmonthForFASTinternetSoIcanSKObetter #Spent1300onMyPCforSKOpurposes #imAloser
Lol! My favorite are the rage SKO posts in cc. I'm sure the person being ko'd is thinking - "I'm going to sit here and do nothing because losing is fun" - we all try to sko and it's got some skill to it, but it is the luck of the draw or "hit" in this case.