Guide to becoming osf

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Doctor_House, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. U put three periods
  2. Santa, you received my palringo message right?
  3. Just puttin this out there but I hate when ppl talk in private in front of me
  4. It like speaking a language someone doesn't know
  5. Well I read it. And I think you should grow...A LOT. I'm an OSF, and I'm going to make a guide. One that is more advanced than elite-ghoomba's.

    But for now, I don't think it was great. No offense, but you need more experienced.
  6. No offense taken thx for advice
  7. Experience* lol
  8. Also:

    At first while I was switching to OSF, I read the guides, and I thought that was all I needed. But I was totally wrong. There is a whole lot more to OSFing than you think. ;) tyvm warriorwolf for all your help! :)
  9. Worst guide to being an osf ever!!!!