Guide For Noobs: Building

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BlackDragonLady, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. This is my alt I can't be on fourms with my main >:-(
  2. Dragon lady here is some advice

    Test this b4 you make it as well don't post building guides when your not hlbc
  3. Actually I found building cathedrals helped me grow faster then circle of elements and so on and so forth
  4. I have a suggestion. Maybe noobs shouldn't make guides for noobs...?
  5. But Jesus how else can we understand our audience ? :/
  6. Noobs.... A terrible thing to waste
  7. No offence...but... I feel truly sorry for the noobs who read this and don't understand anything, or try to follow your guide and completely mess up their build.
  8. Sigh.... "Mac's Building Guide For Newbs..."

    ... Buy active allies. When you have made enough money to buy your next land; buy active allies.

    When you think you have enough to go on a spending spree; buy active allies.

    Allies increase your plunder, increase your static power and earn you extra gold when they sell. If they are active they should move pretty quick.

    Only use gold to upgrade when you have plenty of allies in stock.