guess the movie the phrase is from

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Rebel_Crouton-, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Same movie, different quote
  2. Idiocracy 
  3. "Eat the cake Anna Mae"
  4. Deadpool
  5. 'Napolean, don't be jealous I've been chatting online with babes all day'
  6. Power rangers
  7. Was this in response to my quote? Lol

  8. I still think it's from " The One" with Jet Li
  9. Love how he warns will lock if ppl don't follow rules/directions. Then does as they do just tossing any quote out Hahahah
  10. I should be ashamed to know this is from Nepolean Dynamite
  11. I said out of hand meaning of topic/ rude comments. Things like that
  12. "It's a trap"

    classic one
  13. Star trek right?

    Life is like a box of chocolates
  14. Alice in Wonderland.
  15. yes.

    Wasnt the chocolate thing from forrest gump?
  16. Lofes like a box of chocolates u never know what ya gonna get- forest gump (insert date of movie release here

  17. Wrong and wrong.. It's Star Wars and Forest gump..

    "You are here because the outside world rejects you. THIS is your family. I am your father. I want you all to become full members of the Foot"
  18. Its def one of the TMNT
  19. The 1990 TMNT movie.

    "All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain."

    Guess the movie quote