Guess the dominant/pure dog breed game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Psyacidal_Cow, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Scottish deerhound
  2. Irish wolfhound next to a donkey
  3. Prime with the correct answer. Good job.

    Now what is this breed?

  4. That's the what-a-mess dog.. Afghan something or another..
  5. Afghan hound
  6. Hahaha yes prime it is a Afghan hound I'm really surprised that everyone knows their dog breeds pretty well

  7. That's a gorgeous Akita... I love the husky akita mixes though.. Gorgeous dogs
  8. Ruthless out of nowhere with the right answer.
    And yes prime agree beautiful dogs indeed here is the next breed

  9. Bichon frise
  10. Ruthless again great job,

    I seriously thought had you guys stumped for a moment

  11. That dog is adorable :3
  12. i'm not a huge dog (or any pet) person but this thread is awesome. keep it up mate, some cute and hilariously funny stuff on here
  13. Got it the second time good job tasty.

    Here's the next

  14. Rhodesian ridgeback
  15. :) that face though!
  16. Rhodesian Ridgeback