Guess the dominant/pure dog breed game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Psyacidal_Cow, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. brussels griffon
  2. Someone has to stop DC he's killing it another correct guess. Maybe this will stump him

  3. that's an Ewok from the forest moon of Endor.
  4. Doberman
  5. While that is a good guess yoda that is incorrect
  6. Pinscher then.
  7. Nope it's not a Doberman pinscher. I can give a clue, think Egyptians
  8. Pharaoh hound
  9. Yes yoda it is a pharoah hound. Beautiful creature seeing one in person next is this common breed

  10. Golden retriever
  11. Correct hereofdragonborn, are you guys finding these breeds too easy or a pretty good mix ? Any feedback appreciated

  12. Very good Yoda,
    this breed is similar to the one posted previously but is actually a separate breed

  13. It is not a poodle and ugly is beautiful in some people's eyes. I think he's a pretty good looking dog myself
  14. DC is killing it at this game good guesses by everyone else here is the next breed

  15. Correct again DC...this is a mixed breed shouldn't be too hard to figure out what it's mixed with