Guess the dominant/pure dog breed game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Psyacidal_Cow, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. English Sheep Dog I believe.
  2. Glen of imal terrier
  3. Carne de cesos got it right. Good guesses from everyone else tho

    Here is the next breed
  4. Ibizan hound?
  5. xoloitzcuintli
  6. Peruvian hairless?
  7. good job grizzy xoxchi or whatever aka mexican hairless

    Here is the next breed
  8. Akita ? Maybe
  9. Russian shepherd or some sort of dog from UK?
  10. Kinda looks like rottweiler with fuzzy hair lol.
  11. While those are pretty good guesses, the correct breed hasn't been mentioned yet.

    I can give a hint. Free tibet
  12. Tibetan mastiff
  13. Nice grizz. I agree 
  14. Good job grizzy and yes beautiful dog isn't it?

    Next breed is
  15. American bull dog?
  16. Cane Corso, it's the Itallian mastiff! Great hunting dog, used to love my Harley, he could run down anything. Especially when someone tried to break into my house years back. Loved that dog.
  17. Good job genocide they can very good dogs indeed

    Here's the next breed