Guía para novatos en español

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *lolosi (01), Aug 2, 2011.

  1. I don't know ghoomba. Nobody seemed to be complaining about it until you did. Then again, that's a lot of work for the devs.
  2. I'm not complaining, just stating it. If they don't want to, oh well. Not like it took me more than 10mins to write the email and more than 5 for them to read it.
  3. This game is played all over the world, what idiot believes that it is just based in America? Oh that's right the in bred hick.
    Get an education, think outside of your little banjo playing farmyard, and try to realise this world is made up of other players from diverse cultures, other than your mum and brotherdad.

    Por Los otros buena suerte, y estoy feliz saber que el silvermex encara se juega.
  4. I'm not racist in anyway, I live in a border state, and I agree with everyone having equal rights. Him making a Spanish thread to me is no big deal, but maybe they should break up forums into separate languages maybe to known languages or "majority languages".

    What I do find annoying in America is that people who don't speak English a lot or well, do not bother to learn it.. If I go to France or another foreign country, I don't expect them to speak my language. It's ignorant to expect others to know your language when you're in their country.

    Like I said, I have no problem with his thread.
  5. And Ghoomba is right, if you silence people for bypasses in English, do it in all languages.
  6. There's no language filter for any language other than english because this is a game in english. In order to have a filter in another language it should have a language option.
    Sadly, the racist troll made this little guide thread change subject.

    La guía es corta y muy básica pero tiene buenas intenciones. El principal problema de las guías en español es que cualquier idiota que no entiende que escribiste te contesta una pelotudez y te lo arruina como pasó acá.
    Si a alguien realmente le interesa se pueden traducir las cosas más importantes de las otras guías para hacer algo.
  7. jajuk, you are my b... from now on, i will farm you every day until you quit this game, you are a dumbass, ******* hillbillie, for your information im from Spain, and thats where i live, of course you probably dont know where that is, Its in Europe, across the ocean, ignorant fucker.
  8. tras esa pequeña explosión de rabia, daros las gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo, si alguien quiere comentar algo o puntualizar alguna cosa, que lo ponga en un post y yo lo actualizare en la guia.
    un saludo a todo@s