Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, May 15, 2015.

  1. I have a reset badge. I've reaset from large cs. Different reasons
  2. Its for the game not yourself.
  3. Epic failure this has been

  4. My feels bruh. My feels.
  5. I love how many people are complaining about how much this event sucked and such. This is a completely free event. HTE and ROTWB are not included because they require premium items. People just want a reason to complain...

    Also I'm back from my coaching course :p
  6. Thx

    devs u rock ,this cake awesome
  7. This needs to be permanent :(
  8. should make it permanent for the smaller tier EBs. help the small ones grow.
  9. Crux need to start dropping
  10. mama... life has just begun
  11. We need a new EVENT
  12. Please increase duration of the Event devs. Its awesome. One of the best ideas ever imo 
  13. Dont wrry fairy its coming after this ends
  14. Awkward. You in the same situation as me
  15. *creams panties*
  16. Please extend the duration!
  17. They did. It's now permanent.
  18. Please refrain from posting on this thread seeing as this "Grow Weekend" was over last month.
  19. Could u shut up. Thank you