Group Story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Bei g = being
  2. Avril.., what the ?
  3. so the children decided to live on gumdrop rock where they play beer pong all day
  4. And at night watch the gummy fish spontaneously explode for no apparent reason.
  5. Go download serial from the app store. It's a free 3 chapter book. Two writers each wrote a different chappter then they wrote 200 words then switched then 200 words then switched on last chapter without reading the other persons chapter. It was pretty good book actually
  6. Yeah this could be good. I'm in the middle of DT but I could type a few chapters. Only if you guys are serious about this though.
  7. I would be willing to help
  8. Yes thats why im only recruiting serious authors... We need to meet somewhere to talk about it
  9. Make a pal group and then a roster then go from there. We also need an editor
  10. Can I be a writer and editor? I'm totally psyched about this lol
  11. Roster:

    Key=WriterEditorHead Person
  12. If you are on the roster, join the pal group:group story
  13. I'll help with the story too.
  14. I love writing story's but what do I do to make a thread ?
  15. Awe this brings back memories of l'malar whol kestal...

    Now why the hell did you bump this?
  16. I wanna help!!!!!!!!!