Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RuNe_MoNkEyThRoWiNgPoOatU_LoRd, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. The problem with primal is that everyone feels they have to cast a large roster or they will get a mismatch.
    This in turn means that small and mid builds are over looked for rosters as they will have little to no influence in such a war.
    An agreement between the warring community needs to be reached, an agreement on maximum cs for rosters.
    This would allow larger builds to participate in a number of clans, filling out with smalls and mids. Doing this will increase the number of clans warring, giving better match ups, and hopefully encouraging new and older war clans to engage in wars.
  2. Disagree Tommy....I was in a clan the other night and was like 4th largest person on the roster. I have grown 3 or 4 builds since then and we still matched dotb. And a clan real similar in size to us was given a NM....our number 3 could not hit their bottom person in attacks and none of our people could scout any of their clan peeps. With that said, their clan easily cut through our defenses. That is a straight up mismatch flaw. Not that people think they have to build big. This is not the first complaint this season like this and its almost a daily complaint. Yet devs have not come out to explain one time of a way to tweak our rosters, nor have they adjusted their formulas as far as I can tell.... No way will I accept anything other than the matchup system is broken.
  3. I will also add that there are some very intuitive people playing this game. We have figured out alot over the years and been very good at playing strategically. I take nothing from dotb. In my opinion they are not cheating or taking advantage of any loopholes. They simply want to war and have recruited successfully a very good team of players. The devs are making it miserable for them as one wants to bulldoze over clan after clan. They want a real war. They have proven that time and time again by attempting to negotiate with the opposing rosters after matchup. I don't recall anyone satisfied because of this current system. Winners or losers, so once's the system, not the players.
  4. I remind u all there is just 1 DOTB n cannot match up with every clan.
    Syl does not enter all war clans all the time.
    Of course if more than 1 DOTB war clan does enter thats another story n open to real criticism.

    Solution truly lies in if more clans organize solid rosters their chances increases the odds they match up better.

    Singling out 1 clan for all the woes of Primal is simply ridiculous. Don't be discouraged beforehand n get a truly solid roster together n throw ur hat into the ring. Til anything is resolved if ever clan wars r still better than the option of IWar only.

    In other news, when I get bored I stop whining about EE wars and farm ZAFT outside of the system wars.

    I know it is tough because ZAFT never hits back, but when they do it is so exciting.

    I wish they would fix EE so I wouldn't have to wait another 3 weeks for more inc from ZAFT. Smh