Greeds Thorned Vines Sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I'll update the first post in a little while
  2. YAY!

  3. Name : Darren Anderson
    Age : 20
    Appearance : A tall man, at least 6 foot 2, with a wiry build. Short brown hair and calm brown eyes, with tanned skin from work outdoors.
    Personality : Hard-working, honest, simple
    Fault : Not the most intelligent of people
    Career : he works as a gardener for the victim, to help him pay his way through community college
    Relationship : Has a girlfriend named Shelly
    Status : alive an well
    Relationship : works as a gardener for the victim.
    Weapon : has a small pistol he keeps for safety, but has yet to use it
    Other : Head over heels in love with Shelly, he'll do anything for her
  4. Sorry! Didn't see someone use the last name Anderson earlier! How about Darren Cromwell?
  5. Lol Anderson is such a British name.
  6. The last name works but I might have to tweak the connection to the victim a bit...well because...the victim doesn't have a garden
  7. (Cromwell works as a last name I mean)
  8. U like the character tho?
  9. Not the best but it works and fits.

    I'll be updating the first post of this thread today.
  10. BTW sign ups will be closed tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.(Depends if i get on KaW tomorow :| )
  11. Name: Alexander Roberts.

    Age: 27

    Appearence: Pale flaky skin, deep brown eyes that are almost black and a crooked body. Prefers black suits and top hats.

    Personality: Violent, creepy and shy

    Fault: Overconfidence

    Job: He cleans up the local graveyard and cuts and pulls out plants that go over the tombstones.

    Relationship: Single.

    Status: Mentally impaired.

    Connection: Enemy to victim. The victim always showed off his money as Alexander worked.

    Weapon: Knuckle duster.

    Other: Assaulted by Father as a child left him mentally impaired.
  12. I appologize. I can't spell tonight.

    Name: Kay Pascäl
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Kay is about 5'10, and has blonde hair. He has brown eyes, and is very skinny. Kay always has to wear jeans.
    Personality: Kay is energenic, intelligent, and is very adaptible.
    Fault: He is easily distracted.
    Student: Kay is currently finishing in college, after which he moved from Austria to get a better and cheaper education, and will go on being a doctor.
    Relationship: Single
    Status: Alive
    Connection: Kay went to school with the victim before the fateful day where they had been injured/kicked the bucket. He was starting to know the person more, whom had also moved from another country.
    Kay had been sick the day the victim had been injured/killed/kidnapped, and wishes he had helped.
    Weapon: Kay doesn't like weapons.
    Other: He likes to play the piano.
  13. Both characters are accepted.
    But for paradox's character I'm going to have to edit the connection to victim a bit sorry.

  14. Just to say, being English, Anderson isn't that British. Just because there is one comedien called Chris Anderson. -.-

    P.S That's ok Stora
  15. lol
    Anderson sounds british :shock:
  16. Yeah. Who cares if it is or not. And my choosing Anderson wasn't connected to Chris Anderson, whoever that is.
  17. Bump for reference.

    I'll start working on this soon, sorry I've been busy lately.
  18. Sorry another bump for reference