My guess is the taxi is the murderer. Not the driver just the taxi, I think it's possessed by a ghost.
Those are interesting guesses. But don't you think it's too early to jump to conclusions? (Sorry I am busy with exams but I'll start writing once they're over!)
What it's not to early you can easily tell the taxi is the culprit. It's haunted by a ghost of a serial killer who died in a taxi wreck. They used some parts of the wrecked taxi in another taxi so now his ghost takes over and runs people over.
Yeah short but nice. Also Suites in a five star hotel are amazing. I was in one for my mom and stepdads wedding and it was amazing. It was on the Vegas strip but the bathroom was phenomenal. It was about twice the size of my bedroom(which is pretty big) and had a ******* awesome jecusie tub.
I know I walked into the bathroom and I literally thought it was like the living room or something. Then I thought they were retarded for wasting so much space on a bathroom. But also please continue I know it's one of the bell hops in the background he's my main suspect. Never trust a bell hop in the background.
Mystery Novel? Lol doesn't that bring back memories? Anyway, starting out with the rain? Possibly an allusion to something ominous in the story? I'm interested already. Don't mean anything by this comment, but in the story it says that in the newspaper that the police are still trying to identify the victim (on a side note, that must have been an ugly, mutilated murder...) so how would the hotel clerk know about the victim? Town gossip, seems likely. But on another note, was the victim really living in that apartment room because if they wanted to identify her, wouldn't they just simply look at the lease signed for that apartment or just check their listings? Nonetheless, terrific start from a legendary writer, can't wait for more! Oh and you were in a 5 star hotel in Disney World? I live really close to that place and stay at their hotels all the time, which one did you go to? iZaln