You're half right. It came from hitting secret farms (mcc), not in plunder wars. Lop is right. Go read the open secret farm thread in best of section. It started the 5 hit rule.
Well okay that was before Plunder Wars igerplums, but became the basis for an OSF in those wars and was the start of the 5 hit rule. Yes Lop go read that thread in Best Of that's exactly what farming was about.
People that farm for attention often hit people half their size - these people are not good. Either test your stats against someone twice the size that will be a real challenge, or join a decent clan and get into a real war - so much better and will last longer then your pesky bullying.
Half the people on this list are just the ones that rip forums up about farming, their no where near the best. You got it right with a few though like Ajax. And who the fcks voting for Swabia? Never even heard of the dude and who is he farming with those stats? Ebs?
And Val lmao,,anyone can farm at that size,, just snack some 200k cs noob and boom there's a wall cry
Wasnt there some guy called wanderer long ago who also did a pretty good job taking on clans? Or am i completely wrong with recalling that?
Successful hits ? Maximum gold? Thts farming ? Lol. Are you outta ur mind brah Agreed lop that green guy looks like an eb fairy. First of all , u don't have to read any thread to know abt farming. Once u start farming someone, u wanna see ur target crying You actually find each and every way to piss em off , not by successful hits or takin max gold but by doing w/e it takes to destroy him.
It's the player who farmed me 40 times but I was unable to retaliate since his username changed. The ability to farm others then change your name with nobility points so no one knows who you are? (in)genius.