Discussion in 'Wars' started by WHEN_HILLARY_GOES_HIGH_IGo_LOW, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Pretty self explanatory  look at first pages only girl to be mentioned
  2. Val, I beat you and now you talk trash? Again?

    Srsly, bro, you suck.

    To recap in case you forgot your 1 on 1 consisted on your 7 accounts against my 1.

    You didn't strip me because you don't operate a bank. I fought you from pin for days because you had 7 accounts to pick from.

    I kept them from making any large amounts money using assassinations.

    So lets get this right for the assembled crowd.

    7:1 is 1v1 in your book, and I'm ok with it because you're still a loss. I still got the better end of the deal on it, despite having to stay banked. Fortunately I was a garbage broker at the time, so all that crap I was buying as allies to bank I sold to the noobs who surrendered to my clan.

    You are fail, and I don't want anyone to forget it. When people tell me to stop beating up noobs they're talking about you. Get your 7 accounts and hit yourself a while. Then at least you can have wins as easy as I do when I had to fight your sorry ass.
  3. Old McDonald is Greatest farmer. Noobs.
  4. True dat
  5. MrBiscuit, Alison, Ajax, Val of Hogs/Worms
  6. Lickitung, Ajax, MeB, Alison, and several others tbh
  7. Ajax, Swabia (for the old school, "Free Swabia" days.) Alison and SiIverBullet.

    Naomi doesn't farm, she forces her love upon you, so she doesn't count.
  8. Lickitung, Outlaw is good behind the scenes, my favorite big farmer is Ajax, and Cynder too... My own opinion of course.
  9. Farmer stats are not supposed to look like EB player stats. EBs never hit back.

    Anyone who farmed since they started their account will have losses.
  10. Spragga or swabia
  11. Swabia: MrB is the guy who owns The Strippers Club, KaW's biggest stripper imo, while ad mortem chases noob clans under your lead, TSC is hitting actual clans that hit back.
  12. Who is MrB? Sounds...interesting? Mind providing a back story? And swabs, Ajax, Ali and...KoW
  13. Also. Still waiting on that clan from from the "feared" TSC :roll:
  14. To little time, follow him or spam his wall (not really) MrBiscuit is his name.
  15. MrBiscuit is cool.

    I was just chatting with him. I've faced strippers club a few times.

    Bah, if you wanna bag on my clan be large enough to put up a fight like Val did. I can't even hit your small ass. Call me when you have some stats. I don't bother with building so you can catch up pretty easily.
  16. *farm. Damn autocorrect.
  17. I know many who love to farm, they jus dont post in forums. So forumers know little outside of their pages 
  18. Swabia, sorry, I'm not going to hit family. Dude you really have had some cool threads and back in the day you were cool. Now not so much. You had my respect. But after all the bragging, you really lost it
  19. Dag, I'm not sure you understand the game math here, but you can't hit me.

    We are not within 20% of each other's size.

    I mean you can claim you're being noble, but there's a stopper in place which prevents me from spanking noobs such as yourself.

    You might try asking your clan to give you some 1on1 instructions since you're not quite there yet on how the game works. I'm sure if they're some sort of war clan they'll know that. I'd imagine they're not an assistant backup 4th string clan and they must have a trainer or guru you can chat with about how you're noob, no?

    Anytime you want 1 on 1 just sneak attack me. I won't call any clans in on it. I'll drop from any clan you find me in. I'll wear you like a cheap cologne. Just remind me I asked you to do it because some ***** like you begs me for this once a day, and I'd like to be consistent about whatever I said I'd do to appease you or make it easy for me to show you your jugular as I prolapse your sword sheath.

    Have a nice day 
  20. I just love people maliciously. Best farm prob cyn or licki