Discussion in 'Wars' started by WHEN_HILLARY_GOES_HIGH_IGo_LOW, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. This was to the spragga comment lol, sorry phil
  2. Lmfao, Swabia repeats same story over over again. Check my wall. Once I'm done with these guys ill deal with yourself. But that's boring make things more interesting. Get ad mortem back together, tornado whoever else you want to get and make it a challenge
  3. I can run 15 bars an hour with ease no xstalling.. Don't believe me LOL?
  4. Philosopher, that wasn't a shot across the bow at Swabia. I have no idea who Swabia is even fighting. I have fought against Swabia and can vouch for the fact that he's good at what he does. There are still many in kaw who can fight, despite the efforts of the devs to ruin the game. It was a general statement regarding tactical use of a particular build.
  5. Lol that ad mortem didn't last very long did it? They didn't even help their alliance in osw.
  6. Okay zombie. Sorry if I misinterpreted.
  7. Ah, so I have your attack troops pinned most of the time at a pay greater than what I make in a haunting, and I'm using my spies in the haunting to make money greater than what I can steal from you, huh, Phil? That sounds like a game win/win for me, no?

    So what you've discovered and which I've explained here several times is that I have absolutely 0 incentive to stop farming you since you'll be soon inactive. You pay well, I don't particularly like you, you're raging, da Lolz, and you continue to beg me to do it?

    Great approach to make me stop there, smart guy.

    I swear I couldn't write a better formula for someone to be pwnd in this game if I'd have invented your account to farm myself.

    Again to explain to the masses here:

    1)In my recent profile pic post you see Phil doesn't cause enough of a threat for me to bank as I had around 85b out when I took the screenshot. If he were making mad wins on me wouldn't the smart option be to buy attack pots or allies?
    B) I don't have any pots even and he's not posing a threat.
    2) Phil would need to remain partially banked at least to keep me from taking his cash above 10b
    4) If Phil is banked he's not growing. He's losing 50% in banking fees, and some other minor percent in loss of gold out.
    6) his most costly loss above all is failed income. If his troops are mostly pinned all the time he's not making any cash in hauntings. I could also pin his spies but there needs to be that ever so small incentive to pull yourself out of the muck that I can take away from him later. He must grow to rely on it first, however. I want it to be his only avenue for wins then I'll take it away.

    Forums your way out of this one,
    Phil. I'd love to hear more. You make me laugh all the time.
  8. I have my own formula. I dont care about gold. I don't care about grow. I don't care about anything except aqua and pots.

    I nearly always use full pots because I'm to lazy to try and see how few I need for a success.

    I have no idea how much I make or don't make.

    Just hit, x-tal, hit.

    That's my guide for being a farmer in KaW anyway.
  9. As flattered as I am to be mentioned, I'd have to disagree. I don't farm, I get into fights, doesn't matter who with.

    Oh and you spelled my name wrong
  10. -YAWN-

    Considering how long that last post was, I think you are raging more than me.

    Oh, btw, you do that banking in pots only costs 25%, not the 50% you just claimed. ( gee, kinda embarrassing you didn't know that).

    Anyway, I've made a couple bil off of you tonight while receiving no inc the last two hours. But anyway, keep up the good work.

  11. "Forum your way out of this one"
    Says Swabias
  12. I think I've cleared out more accounts and trillions than most ppl but I don't consider myself a farmer just like a war game that's why I downloaded it in the 1st place whatever ur idea of fun is u should strive to do hi Allison hi Mr.B how have ya been good to see u around can I get some targets pm to me 
  13. And for the record my vote would go to yafi whomever stripped IMF 40t overnight like a ninja that was impressive
  14. Lol my vote has to go with yafi also 40 t over a few hours is insane looking at zombie account that could make a bad day for any clan 
  15. You get them Swab.
  16. Damn, this has just turned into a farming thread. :?
  17. oh wait it is a farming thread..smh
  18. Biscuit, you keep your mitts off
  19. Vontez, aren't you the guy who called out cella?i remember a ss of a sucessful action which paid you 100m?