Discussion in 'Wars' started by WHEN_HILLARY_GOES_HIGH_IGo_LOW, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Lmao how about you up your stats a bit, you're HLBC right?
  2. Haven't we already gone over this before?
  3. Seagn, I always spell names wrong. I also use big words and number my lists wrong. If you look back in this thread you'll see examples of all these things.

    It's part of pissing people off. Joberhi mentioned farming is about making people mad not winning or making money. I am sure I exemplify that. I have Val and Phil seething currently, and a few of you noobs chomping at the bit to come get some someday when you catch up to my size. Some statless noob is whining about me also. Clearly this is making my case.

    I'm not here to make your dumb ass famous either. You wanna be a man like Val hit me yourself. Don't talk **** if you haven't got hair on your nads.

    Val and I don't agree, but we fought it out. If he'd had stayed on me a few weeks longer he'd have won. My inactive spurts are currently well known, and has been cited as victory by other PvP'ers. Fortunately he can't think when I get in his head, so he thought the things I wanted him to seethe on and not how best to deal with my account weaknesses and play style. It gave me time to read his style and apply which strengths I had against him. Turned out having only 1 account and pinning on his 7 worked out best.

    That's how you farm, nigga. You choose their actions and make them dance your dance.

    It's also how martial arts works once you get to a high level.

    Read Mymoto Mushashi's 'The book of 5 rings' for how to troll, fight, pick up chicks, get more pay, sell ice to Eskimos, and swagger like no man or beast has in 400 years. I'm doing nothing new or inventive. I'm just making people follow their weak mind's poor training and discipline.

    Tell your mom I want her to send me another video of her doing the twerk, I need a laugh and I haven't seen anything move like that since a bowl full of jello jiggeled it up last Xmas outside the thrift store where she sells $5 handies.
  4. Alison, im the one hitting you. Come at me yeah?
  5. Swabs you crazy ass. Support
  6. Swabia aren't you at least 30 something? Talking about others mothers? Dude now that's just pathetic... If you can't find a way to insult someone without involving their mother (aka middle school insults) , please read more of those books you speak of.

    And dude, an ego check needs to happen :lol:
  7. Swabia your as funny as a baby in a microwave, what iv heard is val is pounding you and your not returning,
  8. Olibear u nub shut up
  9. Lol Swabia. Your criterion for successful farming is if a guy changes his banner? Right.

    Any where are all these forum posts you speak of? Sorry, but I thought you were an attention hog long before I started getting incoming.

    Oh, by the way, you pay 16 mil first steal. Shame you are down to only one pot now. I noticed you conveniently forgot to mention the incoming you are getting. I'd give you more but I've got my other accounts to attend to plus the fact my company is sending me overseas for two weeks soon. Busy busy.
    You first post you would not say who you are farming but then post it anyway. Looks like someone is in need of attention.

    But with the whole farming thing, good luck with that. I'm still waiting to be pinned. But don't worry, as it was stated before, everyone and his dog has farmed me at one time or another.

    Phil out.
  10. Well, shenanigans, Val isn't hitting me. If he were there'd be some wall posts from him and I to discuss what he thinks victory conditions would be this time. He changed his tune last time about 4 times because I was schooling him. I don't know how he'd dealt with other PvP's but he wasn't expecting me to fight how I did.

    Perhaps everyone else just gave up?

    Beats me. Don't care really. It was nothing original what I did to him.

    But again, this is about you, and not Val. Val manned up and fought. Win or lose he made the point he wasn't a *****. You talk **** and are misinformed. You haven't explained why I'm a noob which was your initial supposition, and you reiterated it in your poor definition later.

    Answer the question 'What makes Swabia a noob?' and I'll continue to chat here with you. If not then since you're not jumping me I'd call your ******** just that, and I'm pretty sure we can all see you're a ***** so you won't come get some.
  11. How are any of you actually worthy of farming when you all spend days on forums bragging about farming instead of out there bashing heads? I know. I'm guilty too. My target is busy self pinning on EB like a noob. Gives me time to give all here a nice new shiny . Helps with the trauma from puffy eyes and empty tissue boxes. Keep up the good work pro farmers, amateur farmers and the rest that are swinging on Swabia nuts . 
  12. Swabia you fail to live up on what you say all the time, and get out of pin
  13. Jesus Phil. Do I need to post pictures of me at full bar then 1/5 bar and you pinned?

    Then everyone would complain I was an attention whore for posting pics.

    Just shut up and take your farming like a dog.

    Yea, those incoming scouts are doing a number on my 1 pot. No, wait, they don't burn pots.

    I'll farm your account when you're gone. Thanks for the tip. It's hard to tell when you're gone because you're candy either way.

    Also, if you're dead set on how many pots a person should have, perhaps you might get some? They won't defend a stable hansel, but you already know that.
  14. Lol incoming scouts? They ain't from me. I'm all steals. Someone else must be giving you the scout love.

    Oh, by the way, I'm a hansel. My attack troops are pinned most of the time. I'm not pinned unless my spies are. A little KaW 101 for you.
  15. Most of you have no idea what makes a good "farmer". If you base it on one's own trash talk, you are easily mislead. If you base it on one's stats, you are again mislead. If you base it on the target one may choose, you are yet again mislead. Some of the best farmers you will never know of. They can be in pm with you yet farming you from somewhere else. They will be in your clan. They will have been tracking you for weeks. Those are the good ones.
  16. And to call someone out because they are pinned? That's just whining. Like Philosopher said, a good hansel will keep their troops under pin unless they wish to draw someone out. If you are smart, you use your build/bfa to your advantage.
  17. @zombie

    Exactly. It's a bit sad that Swabia even thinks he pinned me. All that noob farming has effected his brain. Lol but ill let him have his fun. He hits me, I steal him, and all is good. 
  18. This isn't funny since more than one year