Discussion in 'Wars' started by WHEN_HILLARY_GOES_HIGH_IGo_LOW, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. I remember when I farm trouble maker to make her join BLACK HAND
  2. thoose r pretty crappy list ya have there Ajax greatest farmer ? R u serious he just takes an ass beating from what I've seen he was trying to farm teja all he'd did was build up Tejas win totals not to mention didnt ig strip him of 40t or some ridiculous amount ? He may be most stubborn but I would rate that as only one trait need to be a farmer next would be how successful u r at it striping/making someone cry on wall etc.......
  3. Attack build or spy buuild r good at farming?
  4. That depends on opinion and who you're farming.
  5. Fights or steal makes other lose more. In still a noob
  6. Again depends on many factors. Attacks pin the enemy, which is a good and a bad thing. Steals in itself hurt the enemy but not as bad as attacks. Steals when the enemy has a lot of gold out (say after someone hired off all their allies) would be devastating to an enemy, so in this case steals>attacks
  7. Best farmer in kaw is hard to determine these days u farm for a day and its all over because u care too much about growt. I myself have dropped build to farm. I see people calling out 1vs1 and they dont last 5 mins. Dont look through forums to see who the farmers are because they are noob farmers. Its the quiet ones u need to watch out for.
  8. Pfft noobs im the best farmer hands down. dont know why we even still talking about this.
  9. Keep dreaming pinky, its obviously Alison.
  10. There is no "best farmers".
  11. He's right... other than Alison.
  12. Ok let me clear this up. Alison is a good farmer, not the best. The best lay hidden in the game.
  13. Because they're afraid of her, obviously. Have you seen her threads? She destroys those guys.
  14. Your being a fail troll, just shut up.
  15. Whatever SicNoc, one day when you wake up and find out alison farmed the **** out of you I'm going to laugh.
  16. Your making your self look like a fool, your either drunk or plain stupid. I know you got a fetish for alison but stop sniffing her damn ass.
  17. Alison is a truly amazing farmer and remarkable person, I believe she truly deserves the majorities vote as greatest farmer in KaW. Absolutely an outstanding and beautiful woman, charismatic, and always entertaining.