Swabs is a Forum warrior, he doesn't argue in PM or walls because he knows nobody can see his lies. He likes to lie on forums to make himself look good
Any most farmers i see on this thread are attention whores Best farmers: ajax, val , imarabbit and preston
@mad and Val. Yeah. It is hard to respect someone who brags in the forums about farming noobs. Swabia has no problem gloating in forums about noob farming but he was nowhere to be found when IG went to OSW. I'm waiting to be impressed, as the saying goes.
Well no I have had chance to think about this a little more, I believe the answer is easy to come by. We could either look at the previous farm fest or start a new (better advertised farm fest) cynderstrike is the person I would look to to organise a new "ff" if not then the previous "ff" winners are probably the best farmers on kaw.
All you people arguing over whoever is the best farmer. How childish. Farming is immoral, unfair, and wrong. Lets just hold hands and pray to eb ok?
Lmao. After Ajax, there is no "best farmer" Anyone striving to be a good farmer will be too stubborn to ask for a CF, end of. I would rather quit before I asked for one
The best farmer in KaW is definitely charizard. He wrote a great very detailed guide to it a while ago. Best damn writing on the subject ive ever seen in forums
Nobody else in history has fought as many clans has he has, as many people, and as many LBers single handed has he has. Fact, therefore makes him factually, THE BEST farmer
@val Wrong again. It's just your opinion. You can't make it a fact. No one can be factually proved to be the best farmer. It's impossible. Just because a leopard hunts alone doesn't make it greater than the lion. There might be greater players but they might like to play in clans. Basically you are saying just because he fights alone, he is greater than all.