Greatest extortion artist in kaw?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. Yeah, cuz that last crappy ass forced apology thread was really worth leaving open.

    Sorry I ruined your self gratification and obvious ego stroking at another's expense.
  2. Everybody enjoys a little stroking every now and then drgn..still the fact remains the devs let there mods just lock bc they don't like it? Wow shady
  3. Its not smart. Its actually really whack. Your makin it hard on new players and hurting the player base. Stop bein a lame and pack on some stats to match your bfe.
  4. What did Osiris hope to achieve here? Did they really think I'd disband bc the os clan tags lolol. Come on all you guys have accomplished is making yourself look like idiots wasting so much time and energy on someone my size..but it does show what league Osiris is in :)
  5. Wait wait wait.. Same can be said about the league of farmer you are right?

    Seems like you're calling the kettle black there a bit huh?
  6. People have no chance against you at this size,

    I'm gonna dedicate this account to pot burning you and your 'do gooders'

    Have fun :)
  7. Maybe u guys can target a war beast clan and actually win after this..maybe iproph will do a thread about it, Osiris vs random war beast start up would be a close fight from what I'm seeing
  8. Hey drgn. Did os call on e.e??? First ive heard anything about it. Lethal if any of my clannies are hitting you its just cuz ur whack. Ive nevrr even heard of u till today lol
  9. *dedicate other account lol
  10. Lol Austin noooo plz don't :)
  11. Hit people who actually have a chance of fighting back.. Then I will stop.
  12. You expext war clans not to farm you when using their clan tag..
  13. The way to beat me other than build dropping is easy and obvious if u understand os fighting..however I'm not gonna point it out to u noobs, I don't bestow knowledge on eb fairies
  14. Osiris isn't a war clan omg their a joke
  15. Lethal is a boss.u are all haters. 
  16. First I've even heard of it. Dude doesn't realize that by putting himself on blast that he's gonna get a lot of inc, not our fault if some of it comes from allies.
  17. Let me rephrase that, Osiris is a war clan..Osiris family which is the one I'm fighting, is a joke and a disgrace to Osiris
  18. Ya I have a good friend there that u noobs cried to to try and pin me so don't play dumb drgn, just rage lock the thread like u did the other u coward lol
  19. Then stop talking and start hitting.
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