GR8 Trick 2 enchant ur tbo greaves max

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DoPE-BoY_FReSHh, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Ummmmm im pretty sure they use a random number generator and the random num gen takes the seed from your current time in your fone/computer... So this isn't true at all. Unless they use a certain generator perday which is absurd.
  2. Psh, noobs. Priority first. I upgraded my Abyssal.
  3. Oh, sorry everyone, I thought I would find the English language and coherent and logical sentence structure here. Mah Bad.
  4. Darn. I wish I could read this. Seems to be helpful though OP! Ty
  5. Bump. Don't wanna lose this thread
  6. Someone comes to forums with stuff to share and you all troll him...