GR8 Trick 2 enchant ur tbo greaves max

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DoPE-BoY_FReSHh, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Oh cm'on...i totally agree with kaw_admin...
  2. Hand clap or..... . .
  3. Lmao xD why not give it a shot. Especially since I've failed on my greaves more than 50 times
  4. Your use of the English language is an abomination. Please quit playing kaw and take up a rigorous curriculum so your not such a waste.
  5. Englishes iz teh a hard languaeg 2 lern. So I mace tis orrible thraed.
  6. Op failed grammar in school.
  7. Kaw_admin - it works!
  8. You really think this works......... Omg
  9. It does work Anubis!

    I got my greeves fully enchanted in 2007 on my main.
  10. LOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!

    Kaw_Admin trolled the **** out of your dumbass thread.

    Awesome job admins
  11. But it works what do you mean trolled?
  12. There is way to get 100% success rate on enchanting. Just found out today. :)
  13. :lol: :lol: Just stop, OP. You're making yourself look worse than you did by being inactive in a few wars.
  14. Just tried op's methods. Got my hooves fully enchanted. :cool:
  15. I need to get my hooves enchanted.

    I'm still working on my helmet.
  16. Your what hurts?
  17. English please
  18. My hooves are level potato.

    OP is genius.