GoodBye S3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. See it for yourself. Clans try for 13SH, 2-3 big mids and rest are biggies.
    Mids are vulnerable to both bigs and SH and hence no one need us lol.
    Gotta grow faster 
  2. Almost married an Aussie Hard men to please lol. S3 sucks
  3. @Vik i kind of saw that in chaos wars and i warned people to stop ee'ing and grow as ee stunts growth

    @murph i got no clue what the first sentence means
  4. Actually cs since ur within gh range u would be classified as a mid build in today's ee all about hit ratio
  5. The answer us to strip SH when they are aren't in EE war and hit them with big builds. Thus, destroying their BFA over course of the season.

    But no one has the balls to do it. They'd rather whine to the devs.