GoodBye S3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Yes they can^^ theyre the devs not u
  2. Lol the people that dropped their build to become anything less than a 4 mil cs hansel to exploit a flawed system well I really hope they regret it.They took the easy way out to gain an advantage that isn't there no more instead of working to advance their build
  3. The issue with gh/sh is everywhere in the forum but don't seem to get devs attention. If this is the way forward, then nobody would like to grow big. Those that already grew big have no choice but to become eb fairies.

    A suggestion is to create a quota for the different builds for every war eg. 5 big cs, 10 mid cs, 5gh/sh depending on the % of all active kaw players. If dev wants gh/sh to hit as usual, then increase the troops lost per hit when they hit build bigger than them.
  4. Sorry, didn't realize that you're one of about 5 Aussie ppl who play war to complain.


    fyi~ War times are perfect because i'm australian and i know so. 7pm wars, 11pm wars, 1pm wars, 3pm wars, 11am wars, 6am wars, 1am wars, 4am wars, 5pm wars, midnight wars.

  5. Aussies don't complain over a game. Leave it to the us ppl to complain over a game lol.
  6. What if they made it so that only successfull attacks etc killed enemy troops. If you fail it only kills youre own troops.
  7. scream i actually like that idea, have you out that to the devs?
  8. Sadly sc yes. Also suggested months ago.having fixed rosters. As in you would have a set amount of each build per roster with stat cap on sizes. Lots of games have this restriction type system in place. But all shot down by both kaw players and devs. Given up even bothering with devs or support anymore. Waste of time. All you get is naff automatic mass generated garbage or ignored completly
  9. lmao i have recieved those mindless automated replies as well, its kind of frustrating.

    But i really do think that if failed actions on you DURING EE wouldnt kill your troops just the attacker would help kill the amount of sh used in ee, yes fair enough everyone should get a chance to war, but the way the rosters are made at the moment, i dont think its fair
  10. Completely agree with the preset roster slots:

    4 spots 1-5 mil cs
    4 spots 5-11
    4 spots 11-17 mil cs
    4 spots 17-20
    4 wildcard spots any cs can be used

    Now those exact numbers won't work but I don't see what the problem would be with implementing a similar system.
  11. @spil and what if you have a small clan and cant fill the higher slots?
  12. Well for example my own clan would have too many of the top two slots. And I'm sure a lot of other clans would too. So they'd have to fill with mercs.

    At least we'd see ads for " looking for one hansel for slot B range" Or one attack in slot A range.

    Wouldn't all be SH.

    Hit ratio would almost be the same for every clan as we'd all have similar stats.

    Matchups would come down to bfa and bfe for the most part.
  13. would be good Spil but no one would be looking for our type of build ๎’
  14. My logic:

    More people quit, less whining threads
  15. Op, are you really complain about sh failed attk you can ko you? You know a failed attk use 3x troops, so to ko you with fail attks, they would have use 3 sh and earn 0 plunder, how is that unfair to you, I only see this unfair to sh.
  16. Btw, I would not touch you in ee unless I need sko, because I can't win, and I have very good bfe and bfa.
  17. Super the fact that you could say that ANYTHING is unfair to SH while you war in that clan is a joke.
  18. super are you serious? unfair a sh cant land a successful hit on me? you must be kidfing๎’๎’
  19. No place for mids. I had a decent season 2. But now, sandwiched between SH and bigs. Get ass kicked ๎„ˆ
    Even though I am a tracker, cant war... Sad.

    Season 3 sucks.
  20. @Vikram thats what ive heard as well, as im not classed as a mid build i dont know