sorry I was so rushed in making this thread. Kinda broke down when I was told they have to replace my L4 vertebrae. I have had back surgery already.I had the harrington rod surgery and the implant weakened the other vertebrae. Hence the need for replacement. So I wanted to post this in case I can't be back after the surgery. I'll try to have my roomate keep updates on this thread thanks loves xoxo
Parsfan has been sweating on this thread moving off active. "Phew" he thought. When he saw it at the bottom.
You obviously care about kaw more than was old firm day yesterday in scotland (educate yourself ) so you'll realise kaw was the last thing on ma op is noob and skinny is noobier
Ps: nobody cares about you and your ignorant comments. You're the biggest fail troll since Pipebomb's early forum days. I hope you undergo back surgery so we can give you same 'Support' that you need
I've had disk work surgery on my back n didn't feel the need to promote it on kaw.......u morons talk a good fight yet my nf appears empty so either hit me up or continue to be a hardcore forum warrior.......op makes goodbye thread but adds that they will be "BACK" soon(u see what I did there)......yup great thread of. Now let me go nurse this hangover as I had a heavy night. ....was a cracking night .....a pure mad one !!!
lol gee HelioSurge you sure are butthurt from that last spanking I gave you. You're almost as stupid (but even more lame) then Parsfan as Skinny would say your a "scumbag turd band wagon jumper" try rubbing your two brain cells together and come up with something funny/witty to say ...
Todd u couldn't spank the monkey never mind an account on kaw I've had 4 fb att off u in 3 days..... hardcore
You call your attacks on me effective? Very amusing. A statless noob fights more effectively. I know your not used to receiving compliments on your posts.